Monday, November 21, 2022

[ Post 'D' -The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle.]

How are signs and symptoms helpful ?
Treatment works best when cancer is found early – while it’s still
small, and is less likely to have spread to other parts of the body. This
often means a better chance for becoming free from the cancer disease
if the cancer can be removed by surgery.
A good example of the importance of finding cancer early is
melanoma skin cancer. It can be easy to remove if it has not grown
deep into the skin. The 5-year survival rate (percentage of people who
live at least 5 years after diagnosis) at this early stage is around 98%.
Once melanoma spreads to other parts of the body, the survival rate
drops to about 16%.
Sometimes people ignore symptoms. Maybe they don’t know that
the symptoms could mean something is wrong. Or they might be
frightened by what the symptoms could mean and don’t want to get
medical help. Maybe they just can’t afford to get medical care.
Some symptoms, such as tiredness or coughing, are more
likely caused by something other than cancer. Symptoms can seem
unimportant, especially if there’s a clear cause or the problem only lasts
a short time. Likewise, a person may reason that symptom like breast
lump is probably a cyst that will go away by itself. But no symptom
must be ignored or overlooked, especially if it has lasted a long time or
is getting worse.

Most likely, symptoms are not caused by cancer, but it’s important to have them checked out, just in case. If cancer is not the cause, a doctor can help figure out what the cause is and treat it, if needed. Sometimes, it’s possible to find cancer before having symptoms. Cancer Societies and other health groups recommend cancer-related check-ups and certain tests for people, even though they have no symptoms. This helps find certain cancers early, before symptoms start. But keep in mind, even if you have the suggested tests, it’s still important to see a doctor if you have any symptoms.

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What are the general signs and symptoms of cancer ?
You should know some of the general signs and symptoms of
cancer. But remember, having any of these does not mean that you
have cancer – many other things cause these signs and symptoms, too.
If you have any of these symptoms, and they last for a long time or get
worse, please see a doctor to find out what’s going on.
Unexplained weight loss
Most people with cancer will lose weight at some point. When you
lose weight for no known reason, it’s called an unexplained weight loss.
An unexplained weight loss of 15 kgs and above may be the first sign
of cancer. This happens most often with cancers of pancreas, stomach,
esophagus or lung.
Fever is very common with cancer, but it more often happens after
cancer has spread from where it started. Almost all people with cancer
will have fever at some time, especially if the cancer or its treatment
affects the immune system. Less often, fever may be an early sign of
cancer, such as blood cancers like leukemia or lymphoma.
Fatigue is extreme tiredness that doesn’t get better with rest. It may
be an important symptom as cancer grows. But it may happen early in
some cancers, like leukemia. Some colon or stomach cancers can cause
blood loss that’s not obvious. This is another way of saying that cancer
can cause fatigue.
Pain may be an early symptom with some cancers like bone cancers
or testicular cancer. A headache that does not go away or get better
with treatment may be a symptom of brain tumor. Back pain can be a
symptom of cancer of the colon, rectum, or ovary. Most often, pain due
to cancer means it has already spread (metastasized) from where it started.

94 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Skin changes
Along with skin cancers, some other cancers can cause skin changes
that can be seen. These signs and symptoms include :
Darker looking skin (hyperpigmentation)
Yellowish skin and eyes (jaundice)
Reddened skin (erythema)
Itching (pruritis)
Excessive hair growth
Signs and Signals as Warnings of Certain Cancers
1. Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is considered to be one of the deadliest forms of
cancer, and manifests as growths in the lining of the colon and / or
rectum. When diagnosed early enough, the success rate for treatments
is very high.
Blood in stool :
The appearance of blood in the stool may indicate stomach and
intestinal illnesses, but could also serve as a warning sign for colon
cancer. If you find fresh blood in your stool, or have black stool, even
in small amounts, this should not be ignored, but a physician consulted
Unusually fast or slow bowel movements :
When your digestive system doesn’t work properly, it can lead to
chronic diarrhoea or constipation – a possible sign of colon cancer. If
your bowel movements are not normal for weeks, or don’t respond to
medical treatment, it may serve as a warning sign for cancer.
OTHER SYMPTOMS : 1) Severe stomach aches; 2) Lumps in

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2. Ovarian Cancer
This type of cancer attacks the ovarian tissues and is mostly common
in women over the age of 50, but it can also appear in younger women.
The reasons for occurrence of such type of cancer are not very well
known. The known factors are genetic, avoiding getting pregnant and
fertility treatments.
Indigestion :
Symptoms such as bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, and gas
can be indicative of ovarian cancer. Since many women experience
these kinds of sensitivities in their digestive system, people rarely
attribute it to cancer. This is why it’s important to have these symptoms
checked, if only to rule out cancer.
OTHER SYMPTOMS : 1) Loss of appetite or feeling full quickly;
2) Pelvic and lower-back pains; 3) Frequent urination; 4) Abnormal
bleeding after menopause
3. Skin Cancer
Skin cancer often attacks the surface of the skin, which later
metastasizes into other parts of the body. The main cause of this type of

cancer is unprotected exposure to sunlight, and it occurs among fair-
skinned individuals in particular.

A change in the shape, size or color of moles or beauty marks :
Most moles and beauty marks are benign, but some may indicate
the presence of skin cancer. New moles and beauty marks, ones that
change their color, shape or size in short time (weeks/months), or a
change in texture to brittle / greasy or bloody are all symptoms of skin
cancer. Even if you don’t feel like having them checked, it’s important
to keep an eye on them, because anyone is susceptible. Early diagnosis
can save life, even in cases of malignant melanoma.
Skin sores that don’t heal after a couple of weeks :

96 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Our skin has the ability to repair damages it experiences, but in
some cases, such lesions and sores don’t heal for weeks. This must serve
as a warning, so if you notice such sores or lesions on your skin, contact
your Doctor immediately.
The appearance of spots or a change in the texture of the skin :
If you notice new spots on your body, or have ones you’ve never
checked, as well as a change in their colour or texture, they must be
tested change in their color and texture, they must be tested as they can
be a warning sign of cancer.
4. Breast Cancer
Breast cancer usually starts as a small, painless lump(s) in the breasts, and
later metastasizes into the rest of the body. Diagnosing breast cancer quickly
increases the survival rate considerably. Breast cancer is mostly common in
women over the age of 50, but it can appear in any woman of any age. It
is also possible for men to get breast cancer, but such cases are very rare.
Abnormal lumps or swelling of the breasts :
The most common symptoms of breast cancer are the appearance
of lumps, swelling or edema. They may not be painful, but should be
checked by a doctor.
Inflammation, lumps and dimples on the breasts :
Visible changes such as inflammation, bumps or dimples on the
breasts could be indicative of cancer. Even if you think that the
symptoms are barely noticeable, don’t ignore them – if it truly is breast
cancer, early discovery can save your life.
Nipples : change in location / inflammation / secretions :
If the skin of your nipple changes texture or becomes brittle, if it
becomes inflamed, swollen, changes shape or location (flattening or
sinking of the nipple), or you experience secretions – these are all
common indicators of breast cancer. If the symptoms don’t disappear
after a while, consult with your physician.

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OTHER SYMPTOMS : 1) Chronic pain in the breasts or armpits;
2) Uneven, Inflamed blood vessels; 3) Swelling of the armpits or the
armpits or the collar bone; 4) Sores on the breasts
5. Lung Cancer
This deadly cancer is common in both women and men, and
leads to the formation of growths in the lungs, ultimately destroying

them. The most common cause of this cancer is first and second-
hand smoking of tobacco products, pollution, exposure to hazardous

chemicals, radiation, etc.
Shortness of breath :
Do you feel like you’re out of breath more often, even when you’re
resting, or that you’re constantly wheezing ? It may indicate lung
cancer. If the shortness of breath is a result of an airway infection that
doesn’t respond to medication, it can also serve as a warning sign.
Chronic cough or bloody cough :
Coughing on its own is a common thing, especially during and after
a cold or the flu. If your coughing continues for 3 weeks or longer, or
gets worse, it should serve as a warning sign. Even if you’re in good
health, but the cough persists, it may indicate lung cancer. If you cough
blood, even in small amounts, consult your physician immediately.
Sharp pain in the chest or shoulder when taking a deep breath
Swelling in the neck, particularly in the lymph nodes
Difficulty swallowing, and
6. Stomach Cancer Stomach cancer appears as growths in the lining of the stomach, which later spread to the lymph nodes and the organs that are in close proximity to the stomach. The causes for this cancer are unknown, 98 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle though it is said that regular consumption of preservatives triggers the disease.

Drastic, unintentional weight-loss : We may experience weight fluctuations in our lives, planned or otherwise. However, if you experience a drastic loss of weight when you haven’t changed your lifestyle, it may indicate stomach cancer.
Chronic indigestion :

Indigestion can occur quite often and for various reasons, but when it’s accompanied by intense pain, happens spontaneously (without any explanation), or chronic indigestion, it could be a symptom of stomach cancer. It’s important to inform your physician of these symptoms.

7. Cancer of the Mouth Growths in the oral cavity, on the tongue, lips and gums, as well as the salivary glands and tonsils are common in cases of mouth cancer. If it metastasizes, this cancer will damage the lymphatic system, as well as head and lungs. It’s more common in men than women who are over 40 years. Quitting cigarettes and reducing alcohol consumption can drastically decrease the risk of this cancer. Mouth or tongue ulcers that last for more than three weeks : Many people experience occasional mouth ulcer, which may be caused by stress, changes in the weather or a compromised immune system. In cases where such ulcers don’t heal after three weeks, they may be symptomatic of mouth cancer.

Red or white spots in the oral cavity :
Unexplained pain in the mouth or ears
Unexplained lump in the throat
Intense sore throat
Hoarseness and trouble swallowing

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Oral swelling and bleeding Color changes in the lips, gums, tongue and inner cheeks.

8. Throat Cancer
Growths on the vocal chords and the lining of the throat are symptomatic of throat cancer, and can spread to the esophagus, neck, and lymph nodes. Changing to a healthy lifestyle, as well as quitting cigarettes and alcohol can drastically reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.
Lumps or swelling in the neck that last more than three weeks : Any inflammation or lumps you notice that last more than 3 weeks can be a symptom of throat cancer. Whether the swelling / lumps are painful or not, or whether they’re big or small, you need to contact your doctor.

Pain in the esophagus and trouble swallowing :

When we swallow our food, it goes through our esophagus on its way to the stomach. If you are having difficulties swallowing your food, or feel pain while doing so, or feel that the food has got stuck in the esophagus, and won’t go on, you should immediately check with your doctor.

OTHER SYMPTOMS : 1) Hoarseness; 2) Chronic Vomiting; 3) Chronic Cough with Blood; 4) Unexplained loss of weight. 9. Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer for men, especially those aged 70 and above. This cancer is in fact a malignant tumor in the prostate gland, which belongs to the male’s reproductive system and is located close to the bladder. Difficulty urinating : One of the most common problems of aging in men is having problems urinating. However, this is also a common symptom of prostate cancer, and as such, problems should not be ignored just 100 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle because you are of a certain age. Problems like passing urine frequently or trouble pushing it out or not being able to hold it are major symptoms of this cancer.

Blood in the urine
A burning sensation while urinating
Blood in the semen.
Non - Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can cause many different signs and symptoms, including lumps or growths depending on where it is in the body. In some cases, it might not cause any symptoms until it grows quite large.

Enlarged lymph nodes; 
Swollen abdomen (belly); 
Feeling full with small amount of food; 
Chest pain or pressure; 
Shortness of breath or
cough; Fever; Weight Loss; 
Night Sweats; Fatigue (extreme tiredness);
Low red blood cell counts.

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Chemotherapy demystified and explained.

The Chemotherapy procedure is not usually a single treatment, but a course of treatments. A course usually takes 3 to 6 months time, but can be more or less than that. The treatment will include one or more chemotherapy drugs that a cancer patient may have to take. During a course of treatment, the patient is usually expected to take 4 to 8 cycles of Chemo. A cycle is the time of one round of treatment till the start of the next. After each round of treatment, there will be a break before the next treatment, to allow the patient’s body to recover. Chemotherapy drugs aim to kill the cancer cells, while causing as little harm as possible to healthy cells. But they kill rapidly dividing cells in a variety of ways. At any one time, some of the cancer cells will be resting. Chemotherapy only attacks cells that are in the process of splitting into two. So, resting cells will not be killed. Some of the cancer cells that were resting during the first treatment will be dividing by the time your second cycle comes around, and hence they will be killed off. Normal cells repair damage caused by Chemotherapy more effectively than cancer cells. Accordingly, damage to the cancer cells should progressively build up without causing permanent damage to normal cells. Annexure II

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