Monday, November 21, 2022

[ Post 'E' The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle.]

The fact that chemotherapy drugs kill the dividing cells helps to
explain why chemotherapy causes side effects. It affects healthy body
tissues where the cells are constantly growing and dividing. The skin,
bone marrow, hair follicles and lining of the digestive system (gut) are
examples of cells that are constantly growing and dividing. Since these
tissues have dividing cells, they can be damaged by chemotherapy. But
normal cells can replace or repair the healthy cells that are damaged by
chemotherapy. So the damage to healthy cells doesn’t usually last. Rest
between two cycles allows the body to recover from any side effects.
Most of the side effects disappear once the treatment is over, and some
only happen during the days when the patient is receiving drugs, for
example, sickness or diarrhoea.
What is Chemotherapy, and how does it work ?
Chemotherapy comprises of drugs and medications that treat
Cancer specific. In order to understand how these medications work,
we need to understand a bit about tumor cells. Tumors are made up of
cells that are reproducing abnormally at high rate. Normal cells know
to stop reproducing (or dividing) when they come into contact with
other cells. In case of a tumor, this stop mechanism is missing, thus
causing cells to divide over and over. The RNA or DNA of a cell tells
it how to replicate itself, and classic chemotherapy works by destroying
this RNA or DNA. The more rapidly the tumor cells are replicating, it
is better that the cells are killed.
Cell replication occurs in a series of phases, called the Cell cycle.
The cell cycle phases are :
1. RESTING (G 0; Nothing is happening)
2. G1 (or Gap 1; a growth phase)
3. S (Synthesis : the replication of DNA occurs)
4. G2 (Gap 2; another Growth Phase), and
5. M (mitosis; the actual division from one cell into two)

H.S. Kulkarni 103
Some chemotherapy agents are able to kill a cell during any phase
of the above cycle (these are called cell-cycle nonspecific), others are
only able to kill during a specific phase, but unable to work in resting
phase (called cell-cycle specific). By giving cell–cycle specific agents at
multiple time points, they are able to reach the maximum number of
cells in the particular phase they affect.
These are, therefore, most effective when given in divided doses
(over multiple days or time points, for example : once a day for 5 days
or every three hours for four doses) or by continuous infusion, Cell
cycle nonspecific drugs act against cancer cells at any phase of the cell
cycle, including the resting phase. By and large Cell cycle nonspecific
drugs are most effective when given in bonus doses (for e.g., once in
20 minutes +).
Cell death may not occur at the exact time chemotherapy is given.
Often a cell must undergo several divisions before it ultimately dies.
Since not all cancer cells die after chemotherapy treatment, repeated
doses are used to continue to reduce the cells.
How is Chemotherapy given and administered ?
Chemotherapy is considered a ‘systemic’ therapy, meaning that
it travels all over the body, unlike surgery or radiation, which are
“local” therapies. The Chemotherapy specifics or variants given in the
sequence of treatments are :
Adjuvant therapy : Given after surgery to reduce the possibility of
cancer returning.
Neo- adjuvant therapy : Given before surgery to shrink the tumor,
allowing the surgery to be more successful.
Concurrent therapy : Given together such as chemotherapy and
Chemotherapy can be given in the following ways : (1) Orally
(by mouth, in pill form); (2) Intravenously (IV, through a vein, either
as a short infusion or continuously for one or more days); (3) As an

104 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
injection or needle directly into a body cavity (i.e, bladder, abdominal
cavity); (4) Intra arterially (in spl cases, i.e., limb perfusion treatment
or melanoma)
Oncologists often combine specific and nonspecific chemotherapies
thereby complementing each other and for working together.
Combination of different medications is called a “regimen”. These
regimens are often given names based on the first letter of the
medications used in them. For instance, CHOP, a common regimen for
lymphoma, is made up of Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide); Adriamycin
(Hydroxy doxorubicin); Oncovin (Vincristine) and Prednisone. This
combination is given in “cycles” (blocks of time). Thus, a cycle may be
of 21 days.
How to know Chemotherapy is working on the patient or not?
There are different goals of chemotherapy treatment, depending
on the site and stage of disease, besides other individual factors (like
medical issues), previous treatments (functional status) etc. that may
impact the effectiveness of treatment.
Goals of Chemotherapy include :
• Cure the Cancer
• Prevent the Cancer from spreading
• Slow the growth of Cancer
• Kill cancer cells in sites other than the primary site (metastases)
Cancer care teams use various methods to gauge if the treatment is
working, depending on the type of cancer being treated. Many patients
will have radiology studies (CT Scans, MRIs, Pet Scans) periodically to
see if the tumor has responded (either shrunk or stayed the same versus
become bigger or spread). Some types of tumors can be followed
by checking a “tumor marker” in the blood. This is a substance that
is either produced by the tumor or by the body in response to the
tumor, and can be measured by simple blood test. If Chemotherapy
is working, one would expect the tumor marker to decrease. In some
cases, a decrease in a patient’s symptoms might be a sign of whether the

H.S. Kulkarni 105
medications are working against the tumor or not. The patient or the
family member should talk to the attending doctor or nurse to know
how his /her response will be measured.
What are the short and long term effects and side effects of
Chemotherapy ?
As with most drugs, chemotherapy drugs do have side effects. Side
effects of chemotherapy are unwanted things that happen as a direct
result of taking a drug. It is easy to confuse drug side effects with
symptoms of cancer. Symptoms are the things that happen as a direct
result of having Cancer, and have nothing to do with the drug.
Different chemotherapy drugs have different short term and long
term side effects and certainly not all chemotherapy drugs cause every
side effect. In general, chemotherapy damages cells that are dividing, so
the parts of the body where normal cells divide frequently are likely
to be affected by chemotherapy. The mouth, intestines, skin, hair, and
bone marrow are commonly affected by chemo. Hair is growing all
the time. The skin is constantly renewing itself. So are the lining of the
mouth and digestive system. To do this, the cells of all these body tissues
must constantly divide to produce a steady supply of new cells. And
when cells are dividing, chemotherapy drugs can attack them.
Although most anti-cancer drugs have side effects, not everyone will
get them. A person may experience no side effects of chemotherapy,
some side effects or all of them. Whether or not a person will experience
a particular side effect, when it will start and stop or how bad it will be
depends on how long the person has been taking the drug, a person’s
general health, the dose or amount of the drug, the way the drug is
given, or other drugs that may be given in combination.
Some important points to note in regard to short and long term side effects
of chemotherapy are as under :
Some side effects of chemotherapy are serious medical conditions
that need to be treated (like Herpes and Deep Vein Thrombosis)

106 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Some side effects are inconvenient or upsetting, but are not
damaging your health (such as blackening of Finger Nails, Skin)
Ensure to discuss the side effects with your healthcare team
If you are worried about a side effect, call your doctor or the contact
at the center where your treatment is being given.
Most side effects do not do any lasting harm, and will gradually go
away after treatment finishes.
If you do not get any side effects, it does not mean that your
treatment is not working.
There are very few long term side effects of chemotherapy. Most
are short term. Deep Vein Thrombosis takes some more time before it
disappears. In some rare cases, the veins through which Chemo drug
is administered get blocked and auxilliary system development takes
long to take shape.
The side effects of chemotherapy may not be pleasant. But it would
help and enable the patients to understand the problems in relation to
the benefits of the treatment. Chemotherapy does not cause side effects
in everyone. It causes different reactions in different people. Remember,
almost all side effects are temporary. And they will gradually disappear
once treatment stops.

Journey of Cancer Battle Winner H.S. Kulkarni
captured graphically before diagnosis, during
treatment and after total remission

The Author

Cancer Battle Winners sharing their Story at a National Seminar
on Management of Cancer at Bangalore on 23rd September
2012 are from L to R T.N. Shiv Kumar, V.Amar Bhaskar, J.S.Pant
(Seminar Co-ordinator), Dr. Keerthi Tewari and H.S.Kulkarni

Profile in Courage: Cancer Fighter H.S. Kulkarni caressing a
Leopard in African Zoo during his visit to South Africa in 2014

Part Two

Hopestar as the MANTRA under Complementary
and Alternative Medicine for Alleviating and

Managing Cancer


Chapter 1
An Alternative Approach to Treating Cancer......................... 113
Chapter 2
Hopestar Mantra Works as an Alternative
Modality for Alleviating & Managing Cancer....................... 116
* H - Hydration
* O - Oxidation
* P - Protocol
* E - Energisation
* St - Stabilization
* A - Alkalization
* R - Relaxation
Chapter 3
Health Benefits of Dravyas (Medicinal Herbs & Spices)
as additives in the protocols under Hopestar Mantra .............. 138
Chapter 4
Transforming health and life of cancer affected persons
through healing foods and immunity boosters ..................... 145

H.S. Kulkarni 113
An Alternative Approach to Treating Cancer

Having gone through the treatment of my cancer with
conventional / mainstream or modern medicine, I learnt
some lessons. For, I went through the trials and tribulations
as a cancer patient taking the critical chemotherapy treatment,
and eventually attaining complete remission. While I suffered
helplessly from the collateral damage caused by the side effects
and reactions of chemotherapy, I had to bear with the devastating
impact of cancer treatment on me physically, mentally and
financially. I believe, and I am certain, every cancer patient
who has undergone conventional treatment, comes out of the
Hospital with the same feeling and traumatic experience.
The question that troubled me was “Why cancer treatment
cannot be made tolerable, affordable and less rigorous or
probably moderate in terms of pain and suffering ?”
Hence I embarked on the journey of exploring, learning
and pursuing the complementary, alternative and integrative
medicines or modalities of treatment for alleviating and
controlling cancer. In particular, I was clear and strongly felt
that the alternative modality of treatment ought to be affordable
or available at low cost, and without having the side effects
Chapter 1

114 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
and reactions usually associated with conventional medicine. In my
relentless search and quest for an option or alternative modality to
conventional medicine for fighting and managing cancer, I found more
and more people affected with cancer willing to look at affordable
treatment modality, without causing collateral damage to the human
body and mind.
The tentative plan of pursuing and arriving at an alternative approach
to alleviating and managing cancer was conceived during the last lap
of my cancer treatment, which started evolving and materialising after
I attained complete remission. I must say I found out, observed and
realised that complementary and alternative medicine provides practical
and affordable option or solution for fighting and managing cancer of
different types, without causing collateral damage. I strenuously pursued
and worked on the permutations and combinations of various known
and less known procedures, including specific protocols of herbal
medicines and healing foods for alleviating the condition and suffering
of cancer patients. It has since been a turning point in my cancer saga
and journey. I have finally succeeded in finding out a recipe or solution
for containing and managing cancer. This simple solution describes the
detailed processes envisaged therein, which I tried on myself first, and
later reached out to a few known cancer affected persons to test out its
effectiveness or efficacy.
When I found the results were favourable, encouraging and
positive, I came out with a Mantra, which is the recipe or solution
for alleviating and managing cancer. I have named it Hopestar Mantra,
with the prefix being an acronym for the steps / procedures stated
therein : Hydration, Oxidation, Protocol, Energisation, Stabilisation,
Alkalization & Relaxation.
Beneath the umbrella of steps and procedures under Hopestar Mantra
lies the basis or factors for addressing the disturbances and aberrations
in specific areas / parts of the human body that cause different cancers.
It is mainly based on the concept of nutritional deficiency in cancer
evolved by researcher Dr. G. Edward Griffin, and written in his Book

H.S. Kulkarni 115
titled “World Without Cancer “ – The Story of Vitamin B 17. Thus, the
Hopestar Mantra focusses on these factors :
1. Disturbances in the Internal Condition of the Body : Adverse
variations in Hydration, Oxidation and Alkalization Levels
2. Disturbances in the Physical Parts of the Body : Injury, Pain, Infection,
Ailment, Cell Damage or Mutation due to internal factor (e.g., lack
of Vitamin B 17) or external factor (i.e, smoking, alcohol) that cause
damage to cells. These need treatment or medical intervention to
correct the damage.
3. Disturbances in Emotional / Psychological Factor of the Person:
Undue stress, sleeplessness, abnormal schedules of work, etc. which
have to be addressed for containing the cancer.
It is largely due to these conditions and causes, a person becomes vulnerable
or susceptible to cancer.
Conditions and Causes factored in the Hopestar
Mantra for Alleviating & Managing Cancer

1. Improve and Stabilize the Internal Conditions in the Body.
Hydration, Oxidation & alkalization together would enable
regulation and stabilisation of the Body Condition.
2. Treat the Cancer Condition, and Manage the Physical Trauma.
Protocol takes care of the treatment part, and Energisation helps in
controlling the Physical Trauma
3. Set right the Mental and Emotional Factor.
Stabilization facilitates mental and emotional stability.
Alkalization prevents further infections and controls trauma.
Relaxation is an elixir for body, mind and spirit

116 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Hopestar Mantra works as an Alternative
Modality for alleviating and managing

The Mantra is presented in the form of an acronym
HOPESTAR for ease of understanding and remembering
all the steps, and the sequence in which they are to be applied.
This Chapter explains the nitty-gritty of the MANTRA
including the ingredients and methods of preparation; the
dosage, quantity and availability of each item; the options from
which selection can be done, etc. Once these are understood
by the Cancer Affected Person or Relatives doubling up as
Care Givers, the Hopestar MANTRA can be applied easily and
Each alphabet in the acronym HOPESTAR accordingly
stands for a step or procedure specific in the treatment plan.
Care has to be taken to initially apply the first 4 steps, i.e.,
HOPE in the Hopestar Mantra for 3 to 6 months. After
obtaining response and feedback, the next 3 steps, i.e., STAR
in the Hopestar Mantra, have to be applied thoroughly till
there is alleviation in the condition of the cancer affected
person, and the cancer becomes manageable. Specific steps
Chapter 2

H.S. Kulkarni 117
referred or stated in the Hopestar Mantra are described in detail
hereunder :
1. Hydration
This step ensures that the body of the cancer affected is kept
hydrated or having adequate water content at all times. In addition,
this step contributes to partially enhancing the level of oxygen.
Hydration (Water) Level is a quintessential determinant of good
health. The fact that 65% of an adult’s body is composed of water is in
itself a self explanatory expression of the water requirement by us - the
humans. Both by weight and volume, water is the most predominant
factor in the human body. One cannot starve or deprive the human
body of water for more than 72 hours.
That too would be oppressive to the body. From the smallest of
the cells to the largest of the organs, water has command throughout.
There is no single function our body can perform devoid of water. In
order that you remain in good health, and all your body functions well,
one must take care of hydration level in the body all the time.
Water Treatment : Amazing Japanese Method
Drink Water on Empty Stomach, and Contain Cancer
It is a common practice or habit in Japan today to drink water
after waking up every morning. Moreover, scientific tests confirm
its medical and therapeutic value. To a large number of ailments and
diseases, including cancer specifically, water treatment is found to be
successful and effective by the Japanese Medical Society.
Method of Treatment
1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4
glasses of water, equivalent to 640 ml.
2. Wash & clean your mouth, but don’t eat / drink anything for 45 min
3. After 45 minutes, you may eat and drink as normal

118 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
4. 15 minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively; while
not eating or drinking for half an hour thereafter.
5. Those who are aged or sick, and unable to drink 4 glasses of water
at the beginning, may commence by taking little water and gradually
increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. According to the Japanese Medical Society, the above method
of water treatment will alleviate ailments / diseases, and promote a
healthy life.
A period of 180 days is required for alleviating and managing cancer
with this water treatment.
The Japanese Medical Society recommends making this procedure
a habit and routine in our life. It is aptly said :“DRINK WATER &
2. Oxygenation
As an offshoot of the first step of water treatment, the Japanese
method extends its effect in achieving about 25% of the enhanced
Oxygen, because water essentially is two molecules of Hydrogen,
and one molecule of Oxygen. The Oxygen present in the water gets
absorbed in the blood stream to some extent. Besides adding this
Oxygen to the blood stream, the water treatment procedure acts as
blood viscosity modulator resulting in better blood flow, which in turn
helps blood pressure control.
Cancer affected persons would have to know that Cancer Cells
do not survive in an oxygenated atmosphere. Hence, they must at all
times strive to use the available Oxygen around them, and put it to
best use.
It is true, and well known that the earthly atmosphere between 4
am and 6 am in the mornings, contains 40 % more Oxygen than at
other times. As such, it would be beneficial and advisable that cancer
affected persons get used to waking up before dawn, say about 5 am,
drinking warm water then (Hydration), doing some light exercises,

H.S. Kulkarni 119
Yoga and Pranayama, while inhaling and absorbing as much fresh air
containing atmospheric oxygen as possible.
Walking during early mornings must become part of the daily
schedule, which will be in addition to the recommended Exercises, Yoga
and Pranayama. Early morning walk provides best time for exposure
to sunlight, which contains Ultraviolet Rays. Whatever exposure to
Ultraviolet Rays that a cancer affected person gets, would facilitate
activation of Vitamin D present under the skin, whereas Vitamin D
would be very helpful in improving body metabolism.
Hydration and Oxygenation process provides and equips the cancer
affected person with the basics required for fighting cancer cell growth.

Following or applying these two steps / procedures is a pre-
requisite for proceeding with the next steps in the Hopestar

3. Protocol
Among the steps and procedures for bringing about alleviation and
improvement in cancer affected persons, it is the Protocol with options,
that addresses the nutritional deficiency in cancer
PROTOCOL for treating cancer under Hopestar Mantra consists of
a Common Part on one hand, and an OPTIONAL PART on the other.
In the OPTIONAL PART, there are 4 Protocol Options and the
cancer affected person is free to select any one of them, depending
upon their proximity and availability.
The COMMON PART consists of Dravyas (ingredients) as under :
a) Ginger, Curcumin and, Pepper (To be mixed with the Optional
Part at the Time of Boiling)
b) Garcinia Indica (to be added to the Condensate just before
c) Apricot Kernels, Gomutra and Spirulina Capsules (Consumed
separately as per dosages indicated in each protocol option)

120 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
The OPTIONAL PART consists of any one of the following
Herbal Options :
i) Herbal Barks or Powder provided by Vaidya Narayan Murthy
constitute Protocol ‘A’
ii) Simarouba Glauca Leaves constitute Protocol ‘B’.
iii) Graviola Leaves & Seasonal Svarna Prashana constitute
Protocol ‘C’
iv) Papaya Leaves and Papaya Seeds constitute Protocol ‘D’
Each of the options involve preparation of the condensate by boiling.
The detailed procedure of preparing it is explained here under. The
patient must select any of these options required for his treatment.
Herbal barks or powder provided by Vaidya-healer Narayan
Murthy, Narasipura, Shimoga, Karnataka.
The herbal treatment that Narayan Murthy, popularly known as
Vaidya or Healer, provides is said to be 400 years old, practised by his
ancestors, with the knowledge and the method of treatment being
handed down from one generation to another in his family.
Treatment for cancer, among other diseases, is mainly by Herbs and
Barks of Medicinal Plants at his Village Narasipura, Shimoga, Karnataka.
For the past over twenty years, Vaidya-Healer Narayan Murthy has
been treating patients every week on Thursdays and Sundays, as these
weekdays are considered to be Siddhi Vaars i.e., days that give good
results, as per the practice and tradition of Indian Medicine.
Vaidya Narayan Murthy has his own way of diagnosing. Patients are
asked where they feel the pain. He also relies on modern test methods
such as X -Rays and Blood Reports. If diagnosis is difficult, he goes by
his intuition. Vaidya-Healer Narayan Murthy sees his skill as a blessing
from God. A critical factor in his approach to healing is his faith in
God, and the fact that his services are free of cost.

H.S. Kulkarni 121

Sourcing and Collection of Herbal Medicines
Vaidya-Healer Narayan Murthy’s Family has forest land of 30 Acres,
where medicinal plants and tree species are mainly grown. These include
Herbal medicine prescriptions are simple. Vaidya Narayan Murthy
gives the non-processed ingredients to his patients. Each prescription
will have one major ingredient, along with a few common ingredients
such as Pepper and Cumin Seeds available in every household.
Method of Preparation
The herbal barks or powders are to be mixed with Curcumin,
Turmeric and Ginger or Pepper as indicated in the descriptive leaflet
given by Vaidya Murthy while dispensing the barks or powder, and
boiled in 5 Litres of clean water, till it condenses to 2 litres. Store the
condensed liquid or condensate, as it is called, in a glass bottle or steel
jar and keep it in refrigerator. It has to be taken and consumed as
detailed :
Method of Taking Herbal Medicine Dosage
Early morning Dose :
75 ml of the Condensate prepared as above + 2 Spirulina Capsules
+ 35 ml of Gomutra Arka or 2 Capsules of Gomutra + 6 Apricot
Afternoon Dose :
75 ml of the Condensate mixed with a Teaspoon of Garcinia Indica
(Kokum) + 6 Apricot Kernels
Evening Dose

122 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
75 ml of the Condensate mixed with a Teaspoon of Garcinia Indica
(Kokum) + 6 Apricot Kernels
This herbal medication is required to be taken for a period of 90
days depending on the alleviation of the patient’s condition. Most of
the Prescriptions will be accompanied by advice on dietary restrictions.
Following this herbal medication strictly, along with the other
procedures outlined in the Hopestar Mantra, would facilitate in
alleviation and management of cancer.
Meeting and Consulting Vaidya Narayan Murthy at his
Home Camp Address, Narasipura, Shimoga
One can reach Shimoga from Bangalore City by bus or train, the
distance being 280 kms. From Shimoga to Narasipura, public / private
local transport is available.
No prior appointment or reference is required for seeing Vaidya
Narayan Murthy. Consultation and herbal medicine will be provided
strictly on first come first serve basis starting from morning 7.00 am
on every Sundays and Thursdays. One can meet him on Wednesdays
& Saturdays also, but in the evenings only from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
Typically, huge number of patients come from all over India to meet
Vaidya Narayan Murthy and wait in long queue for their turn.
Having known and met Vaidya Narayan Murthy at his Narasipura
village home a couple of times, it helped me in guiding and enabling
several patients to seek herbal medicines for treatment as well as
management of their cancer condition. Thus, the visits provided me an
opportunity to meet and talk to many patients typically standing in the
queue for seeing Vaidya Narayan Murthy. Everyone had a story to tell,
but all of them, barring newcomers, were appreciative of, and grateful
to, Vaidya Narayan Murthy for the alleviation, relief and improvement
they had experienced in their cancer condition. Most of them were
carrying their medical test reports, such as Scan Reports, X - Ray
Reports and Blood Tests, and anybody could see the progress and

H.S. Kulkarni 123
evidence with regard to reliefs and improvements in their condition by
going through their reports.
Home & Camp Address of Vaidya / Healer Narayan Murthy :
At Narasipura Village, Post Gouthampura, Sagar Taluk, Shimoga Dt.
(Karnataka) ; Telephone : (08183) 258033 : TREATMENT
Condensate of Simarouba Glauca Leaves, also known as
Laxmi Taru and Paradise Tree
Simarouba Glauca, popularly known as Paradise Tree, is widely
grown in the State of Karnataka. It is recognised as a Tree of Solace by
cancer patients in this part of India. The State Govt. plants and grows
this tree in most of the municipal gardens. The Tree is known as Laxmi
Taru in Kannada and Marathi. Decoction of this tree’s leaves is used as a
complement to Chemotherapy, with patients vouching for its efficacy
in improving the quality of life of cancer patients, and thus paving the
way for alleviation of the disease, and its side effects.
The Simarouba Glauca leaves are sourced from Bangalore
agricultural scientists couple Dr. Syamsunder Joshi and Dr. Shanta
Joshi, who are engaged in popularizing this tree and the decoction
made therefrom. Simarouba Glauca leaves are available to patients at a
nominal cost.
While the Simarouba Glauca leaves help in alleviating the condition
of cancer patients, the scientists couple have found that the decoction
could also contain and bring down the side effects of chemotherapy ;
minimize appetite loss and ensure early recovery.
Scientific studies show several compounds such as the quassinoids

124 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
in Simarouba Glauca containing anti-tumour and anti–leukemic
The Doctor couple have compiled reference list of several cases
with different cancers at various stages, who having taken Simarouba
Glauca leaves and decoction thereof for specific periods, and reported
relief as well as alleviation in the condition and side effects of patients.
The Simarouba Glauca leaves are considered as effective in
managing cancer of 1st and 2nd Stages, whereas in advanced Stages, it
would bring about improvement in the quality of life of cancer patient.
Programme & Action Plan for Taking Simarouba Glauca
Leaves Along with Herbal Additives
STAGE I : Starting Every Day Evening
For every 10 kg. of body weight, one must take two dry leaves, or two
numbers of 10 cm long rachis or 2 sq cm bark two numbers, take any
one of these as per body weight, after cutting them into smaller pieces.
(For those having Cancer and other specific ailments, patients are given
special doses. For every 10 kg of body weight, take 3 leaves or 3 rachis of
10 cm length or 3 pieces of 2 sq cm bark pieces or any of them)
Add to the above, the following Herbal Ingredients :
1 Teaspoon of Turmeric (Haldi Powder)
1⁄2 Teaspoon of Ginger (Dry Ginger Powder)
1 Tablespoon of Cumin Seeds (Jeera)
Take 200 ml of clean water in a stainless steel vessel, and pour the
cut leaves or cut rachis or cut bark with ingredients described in Step 2,
and boil the mixture for about 10/15 minutes on small flame (Sim).

H.S. Kulkarni 125
Boil the mix in the night before going to bed, and after it is boiled,
close the steel vessel with a steel lid. (Do not use plastic)
On Decoction being formed, allow it to settle till next day morning.
Method of Consumption / Dosage :
Early Morning Dose:
First dose to be taken early morning on empty stomach. Warm the
Decoction, and slowly sip it, swishing in the mouth for 60 seconds.
At this juncture, add 1 Tablespoon of Garcinia Indica (Kokum Juice)
before taking it. as the effectiveness of the Decoction stands enhanced.
Along with the intake of 75 ml of Condensate as described above,
do take 2 Spirulina Capsules, 6 Apricot Kernels and 35 ml of Gomutra
or 2 Capsules of Gomutra only during the morning doze.
This herbal treatment is STAGE 1 till the Morning Dose is
STAGE 2 : Steps after consuming the morning dose
Add two cups of clean water to the remaining portion of decoction.
Boil the above till the mixture is reduced to one cup.
Close the container with steel cover, and leave it to cool
Consume this in the afternoon before lunch.
Consume 6 Apricot Kernels with the afternoon doze.
STAGE 3 : Steps after consuming the afternoon dose
Add two cups of clean water to the remaining portion of decoction.

126 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Boil the above till the mixture is reduced to one cup.
Close the container with steel cover, and leave it to cool.
Consume this in the evening before dinner
Consume 6 Apricot Kernels along with the evening dose.
The above cycle of all the 3 Stages with the Steps stated therein has
to be repeated every day beginning with Stage 1 Every Evening
SIMAROUBA GLAUCA is also available at :
Art of Living, Bangalore
The Art of Living, as a large social organisation, has been growing
and making available Simarouba Glauca to cancer patients, apart from
treating other ailments, and has been doing extensive work.
ART OF LIVING, BANGALORE, 21st KM, Kanakapura Road,
Udayapura, Bangalore 560 082 ; Phone : +91 (80) 6726 2626 / 27 /28
Powder of Dried Leaves and Rachis of Simarouba can be obtained
from :
Arbudha Raksha, Bangalore, 714, 4th ‘B’ Cross, 7th Main, 1st Block
HRBR Layout, Kalyan Nagar, BANGALORE 560 043
Tel: +91 74064 30003 Cell: +91 74065 30003
E mail : ; Website : http://arbudharaksha.

The botanical name for Soursop is Annona Muricata. It is called
by various names in Hindi and vernacular languages as HANUMAN

H.S. Kulkarni 127
PHAL or LAXMAN PHAL. It is not to be confused with Ram Phal,
despite being from the same family, as it is totally different. The tree is
regarded as a miracle herb for Cancer Patients.
Soursop for cancer treatment needs a special mention. The Graviola
Fruit, its juice as well as the tea prepared from Soursop leaves, according
to researchers, is beneficial in managing cancer. Soursop attacks cancer
cells in a natural way, and does not cause nausea, weight loss and hair
loss, which are typical and most common side effects as a result of
cancer treatment with chemotherapy drugs. Incidentally, while soursop
attacks only the cancer cells, and they do not harm the healthy cell
around the tumour.
Health benefits from taking graviola / soursop leaves and fruits by
cancer patients are as under :
1. Increases platelet count
2. Attacks and neutralises cancer cells only
3. No side effects like nausea, weight loss and loss in appetite
4. Protects the immune system, and avoids infections
5. Imparts strength and health throughout the course of treatment
6. Effectively targets & kills malignant cells in all types of cancer.
Tea is concocted from broad and lengthy soursop leaves.
The first step is to get or arrange for 3 to 4 fresh, and not so mature
leaves of graviola / soursop tree. Tender leaves give good flavour, and
they are rich in flavonoids. Wash them with plain water to remove the
dust, and dry the leaves with paper napkin. Shred the leaves into 3 or 4
pieces, and keep them aside.
Boil one cup of water in a pot, and place the graviola / soursop
leaves in the cup, and pour the boiling water over the leaves. Add 1 tsp
of Turmeric Powder, 1 tsp of Cumin seeds and 1⁄2 tsp of Ginger.

128 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Cover the cup with a lid, and keep it there for 30 minutes. However,
if you want a better flavour, let it remain there for some time. Now
your Tea is ready. You may add Honey / Sugar, if you so like.
Add one TSP of Garcinia Indica (Kokum) Juice to the Graviola /
Soursop condensate before consuming.
This Protocol option also includes 2 Spirulina Capsules and 35 ml
of Gomutra to be taken with the early morning dose.
Method of Consumption : Dosage
Early Morning Dose
75 ml of Condensate with 1 TSP of Garcinia Indica (Kokum) + 2
Spirulina Capsules + 35 ml of Gomutra or 2 Capsules of Gomutra +
6 Apricot Kernels
Afternoon Dose
75 ml of Condensate Only + 6 Apricot Kernels
Evening Dose
75ml of Condensate only + 6 Apricot Kernels
from or are available at :
ALAVI HERBS, 22-2-202/1, Dabeerpura,
HYDERABAD 500 024 ; 09959726547, 09247377182
Website : ; E-mail :
Soursop is also known by other names, such as GUYABANO,
PHAL / LAXMAN PHAL is known as Suvarna Prashan, and can be
taken by Cancer patients during the fruit season for enhancing the
effectiveness of this Protocol Option.

H.S. Kulkarni 129
Whom & How to Contact for Placing Orders
Organic and authentic Soursop fruit and fruit extracts are available
from a major distributor at Mumbai, whose details are as under :
GAYATRI AYURVED (Prop : RAKESH) Shop No. 6, Opp. Sriram
Hotel, Sun Mill Compound Road, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013.
E-Mail :; Mob : 9619 777 947.
Juice of Papaya Leaves and Papaya Seeds
Next time you buy papaya fruit for your regular consumption, please
don’t throw away the seeds. Dry them and make fine powder thereof
in your mixer grinder, and store them. The ingredients of papaya seeds
help in treating many types of cancer. You may consume the powder by
mixing with honey two times a day for wonderful results.
Similarly, the Papaya leaves with their stem provide best treatment
for increasing the Hemoglobin or hb % in your blood. Take one leaf
of papaya with its stem, cut it into small pieces. Make good juice in
your mixer by adding one glass of clean water. Drink it on empty
stomach early morning for best results. Papaya leaves juice helps in
purifying the blood and increases platelet counts within one week of
Papaya Leaf Cancer Research
Research done by Dr. Nam Dang at the University of Florida,
and colleagues in Japan found extracts from dried papaya leaves killed
cancer cells directly, and slowed the growth of tumour cells.
The leaf extract was effective against different types of cancer

including liver, lung, cervix, pancreas and breast cancers. The anti-
cancer effects were found to be stronger at higher doses.

130 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
A Homemade Cancer Treatment
Condensate from Papaya Leaves has been developed on the basis of
the recipe made by Lung Cancer Survivor Stan Sheldon from Australia.
According to him, the medium sized Papaya Leaves have to be cut and
boiled in 2 Litres of water, with One Tsp of Turmeric, 1⁄2 Tsp of Cumin
Seeds and 1⁄4 Tsp of Ginger added thereon, while heating the liquid
mix to a simmer till the liquid content becomes half of the water. It was
ready for being taken within a couple of hours After taking this recipe
for two months, Cancer Affected Stan Sheldon tested to find that both
his lungs were cleared from any traces of cancer. He has reported that
the disease has not revisited or relapsed for many many years, and he
has since shared this homemade cancer treatment with several other
afflicted persons, most of whom have become free from cancer.
The condensate can be kept or stored in refrigerator in a large glass
bottle, which would last for several days, though it is recommended to
be discarded if it were to become thick and too cloudy.
Method of Consumption : Dosage
Early Morning Dose:
75 ml of the Condensate mixed with 1 TSP of Kokum Juice + 2
Spirulina Capsules + 35 ml of Gomutra or 2 Capsules of Gomutra +
6 Apricot Kernels
Afternoon Dose:
75 ml of Condensate only + 6 Apricot Kernels
Evening Dose :
75 ml of Condensate only + 6 Apricot Kernels
Papaya seeds contain agents, which stop the growth and spread of
cancer cells and tumours. Papaya seeds contain isothiocyanate, which
works well for breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancer.

H.S. Kulkarni 131
Beginners desirous of taking, papaya seeds need to know that they
contain high levels of oleic and palmitic acids. Both are believed to
protect the human body against cancer. Hence, they are welcome to
take fresh papaya seeds with honey.
4. Energization
Energization process of the body is best achieved by having green
juice of leafy vegetables, tender mango leaves, tender guava leaves and,
citronella grass. Specific green juice prepared from Neem, Bilwa and
Tulsi has very good anti-carcinogenic effect.
(Blood Purifier HB and Immunity Booster)
Take 22 leaves each of NEEM and BIL PATRI, and about 15-20
TULSI leaves (preferably Black Tulsi), cut the leaves into small pieces,
and add to these GILOY leaves, MANGO leaves, AJWAN leaves, and
grind it in a Mixer, with a glass of water. Drink this juice mix every
morning on empty stomach.
This would help in boosting immunity, and ensuring purification
of blood. The platelet counts and the RBC levels get raised to a very
healthy level, thereby enabling the body to prevent any infection.

WHEATGRASS JUICE Before Breakfast:
(Known as Green Blood)
Chemotherapy and /or radiation treatment as conventional medicine
are known to impact cancer patients severely, with their immunity
becoming low, resulting in their vulnerability to infections. Such patients
may also suffer from the possibility of easy relapse of cancer. In order
to enhance the immunity and improve the quality of blood of cancer
patients they have to consider taking Wheatgrass juice daily.

132 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Wheatgrass is also known as Green Blood, which speedily improves
blood quality, while the Haemoglobin count increases considerably.
This is a home remedy, and wheat grass can be grown at home in
small pots. A one week old Green Grass is best for Juice purposes.
Just how to go about for making wheatgrass juice.
Take seven small earthen plates or pots, fill fresh soil and sprinkle
water to add moisture to the soil and spread a fist full of fresh wheat
grains on top. Allow the wheat to grow. On the second day take a
second earthen plate or pot and repeat the above procedure. Do this
procedure for seven days, and by the seventh day the wheat grass of the
first pot is ready for use.
Cut the grass from the first pot to small pieces, make juice of it
in the mixer with a glass of clean water, and consume it on empty
stomach. Let this programme continue till the blood count and Hb
value improve to normal level. This may take about a month to 45
days. However, as a healthy practice, continue with this process so long
as you feel Okay. Wheat grass juice is also good for persons also, who
are normal.
Alternatively, wheat grass powder can be bought from pharmacy
shops or organic stores.
By strictly following these steps and procedures, the cancer affected
person is able to satisfactorily complete the HOPE part of HOPE
STAR acronym
However, the cancer patient would have to continue this programme
for about three to four months ; monitor the progress and effects related
to general improvement in health ; suitability of Protocol Options taken
; changing or altering the Options thereof if required (such as Graviola
or Simarouba or Papaya leaves) for any reason whatsoever to suit and
adjust the treatment modality. Once the cancer affected person’s body
responds favourably to the HOPE part of HOPE STAR acronym, then
it paves the way for going ahead with the next step / procedure.

H.S. Kulkarni 133

5. Stabilization
It is well recognised that the cancer disease adversely impacts the
physical, mental and emotional stability of the cancer affected persons.
As cancer is a destabilizing factor to those who have undergone or are
undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment, this step or modality
of seeking stabilisation is essential for maintaining mental calm.
Spirituality & Yoga are the twin Modality Options contributing
to the mental and emotional stability of Cancer Affected Persons
Spirituality always plays a bigger role in one’s healthy life and
even influences end-of-life decisions. It is defined as how one can
connect to their sacred God. It is the awareness of something greater
than the individual self. It can be understood as one’s relationship
with their soul, expressed through one’s attitudes, postures and
practices. Spirituality can be understood as the inner life of a person.
The deeper you go spiritually, the stronger the patients can go on in
fighting serious ailments and more specifically cancer. During the
treatment, they can find the meaning of peace and wellness despite
fatigue or pain.
Patients with cancer who had high levels of spiritual well-being
reported more enjoyment in life, and higher levels of meaning and
peace, even in the midst of cancer-related symptoms such as fatigue or
pain. Cancer patients report that their spirituality helps them find hope,
gratitude and positivity in their experience, and that their spirituality
is a source of strength that helps them cope with life, find meaning in
their lives, and make sense of cancer experience as they recover from
treatment. One of the greatest gifts of spirituality is learning to love,
and fully accepting yourself and others in the present moment. Cancer
healing leads to higher feelings of personal growth.
Spiritual practices that may help in coping with cancer and its
treatments include:

134 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
1. Taking time off regularly to meditate or pray ; 2. Reading spiritual
writings and works ; 3. Retreating to spiritual places and natural
settings ; 4. Chanting a mantra repeatedly as one of the ways to reach
spirituality ; 5. Listening to classical and spiritual music ;
Holistic practitioners say that spiritual or religious practices can
help the patient adjust to the side effects of cancer and its treatment.
Patients who rely on their faith tend to experience increased hope
and optimism, higher satisfaction with life, freedom from regret, and
feelings of inner peace. Spirituality also reduces anxiety, anger and
Yoga typically means ‘union’ between the mind, body and spirit.
It involves the practice of physical postures and poses, referred to as
‘asana’ in Sanskrit. As the name suggests, the ultimate aim of practising
Yoga is to create a balance between the body and the mind, and to
attain self enlightenment. In order to accomplish it, Yoga makes use
of asanas, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and meditation. It
brings about emotional stability and clarity of mind.
Cancer can cause immense stress and distress to a person. The
practice of gentle yoga postures helps strengthen the muscles and joints,
thus relieving anxiety, stress and fatigue. Relief from this condition of
anxiety and stress, along with specific yogic exercises generate positive
energy, thus creating a balance between the mind and body.
Used as an adjunct therapy in managing cancer, yoga helps in
effectively clearing out toxins accrued. Yoga asanas stimulate not just
muscles, but also increases blood flow, balances the glands and enhances
the lymphatic flow in the body, all of which enhances the body’s internal
purification processes. The deep relaxing breathing emphasized in yoga
also increases the current of oxygen-rich blood to cells.
While deep breathing exercises help to relax the mind by reducing
stress, Yoga Nidra helps to remove the deep-rooted fear. Once the stress
begins to reduce, the patient starts feeling positive.

H.S. Kulkarni 135

6. Alkalization :
The next step or procedure for the cancer affected person is to
develop a conducive climate or condition in the body for Alkalisation.
It has to be noted that an alkaline body climate helps and facilitates the
cancer patient to ward off any infections attacking the body.
This is done by maintaining pH level of the cancer patient’s blood
and saliva at sufficiently high alkaline level preferably between 7 and
9 values. It is Baking Soda that enables a person to maintain moderate
alkaline levels of body fluids, and thereby helps in fighting cancer.
What is Baking Soda ?
Baking Soda is a white crystalline solid that appears as fine powder.
It is also called cooking soda, bread soda and bicarbonate of soda. Its
chemical name is sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Baking Soda need not be confused with, or understood as Washing
Soda (also chemically called ‘sodium carbonate’) though they have the
same salty and alkaline taste.
The medical uses of baking soda envisage raising pH level of the
body by neutralizing acid. Therefore, sodium bicarbonate is used as an
antacid (to neutralize stomach acid ; treat ulcer, heartburn and acid
indigestion ; and to treat acidosis (raise the pH level of the blood when
it is close to 7.0)
How Baking Soda can Alleviate Cancer
Principally, malignant tumours represent masses of rapidly growing
cells. The rapid rate of growth experienced by these cells means that
cellular metabolism also proceeds at very high rates. Therefore, cancer
cells are using a lot more carbohydrates and sugars to generate energy
in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate)
However, some of the compounds, formed from the energy, release
more acid accumulation. Therefore, these organic acids accumulate in
the immediate environment of the tumour.

136 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
The high level of extracellular acidity around the tumour is one of
the chief driving forces behind metastasis of cancer tumours. Cancer
cells need an acidic environment to grow and spread rapidly.
Some cancer experts, therefore, believe that by buffering the tumour
microenvironment with an alkalizing compound, the pH of tumours
can be raised enough to starve them as well as stop their growth and
spread. This simple solution to cancer has been proven right. A simple,
commonly obtained compound like sodium bicarbonate will do.
The human body has a pH level. And it must be maintained above
the neutral level (Between 7.35 and 7.45) at all times for optimum
health. But here’s the most amazing part. By keeping the pH above 7,
the body then acts as a “cancer treatment” for itself, and goes to work
to break down and dispose of any cancerous tumours.
An acidic pH is known as “Acidosis”. It is an imbalanced acidic
condition of all bodily fluids. Almost all cellular functions in the body
are sensitive to the pH of their fluids. If the pH falls too far to the
acidic side, the cells become poisoned in their own toxic wastes and
will die. Many studies show that people with a correct blood pH enjoy
good health ; whereas people with a low or acidic pH are more likely
to be ill. The slightest imbalance can cause serious illness and disease.
Acidosis can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis,
osteoporosis, high blood pressure and most cancers.
Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate alkalizes the body very quickly,
and even more importantly for cancer sufferers, it alkalizes cancer cells.
This kills the microbes inside cancerous cells, which in turn kills the
To make the baking soda a natural cancer anti dote, all you need
to do is to mix Honey with Baking Soda, according to Dr. Mark
Sircus, an authority on Natural Allopathic Medicine, as described in
his publication “Dr. Sircus’s Treatment Essentials Book”.
Ideally, cancer affected persons should consult an Oncologist with
the knowledge of this remedy before adopting the baking soda solution.

H.S. Kulkarni 137

7. Relaxation
Doctors attending, treating or counselling cancer patients usually
and commonly tell them to take adequate rest, as part of medical
advice or instructions tendered. This requirement of rest or relaxation
is essential, as cancer patients invariably suffer from acute fatigue and
pain besides experiencing side effects of conventional treatment.
Thus, relaxation or rest is an elixir for the body, the mind and the
spirit. It is the single most important key to health and well being of
patients, and more so of cancer affected persons. When we relax, our
body has opportunity to unwind. The benefits of relaxation or rest
have been well researched, and some of these are as well as here below :
Relaxation i) Increases blood flow to muscles ; ii) Gives the heart a
rest by slowing the heart rate ; iii) Reduces blood pressure ; iv) Slows
the rate of breathing, which reduces the need for oxygen ; v) Decreases
muscular tension.
Meditation is a powerful tool for relaxation.
Adequate rest or sleep is a must cancer patients. A minimum of 6
hours of undisturbed sleep during the night, and 2 hours of rest in the
day are essential for deriving benefits from relaxation. Remember, rest
calms the nerves.
As a result of relaxation, many people experience : more energy ;
better sleep ; enhanced immunity ; increased concentration ; smoother
emotions -- less anger, crying, anxiety and frustration.
Consuming dates on a regular basis helps in achieving this easily. Two dates
taken before sleep work better than sleeping pills. This will be the minimum
intake of dates every day for the cancer affected person.

138 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Health Benefits of Dravyas (Medicinal
Herbs and Spices) as Additives in the
Protocols under Hopestar MANTRA

These are the Additives used in the preparation of the
Condensate and Decoctions in the Protocols. They work
as accelerators and facilitators for the improved efficacy
of the decoctions. It is relevant to note that each of the
additive is anti-carcinogenic specific.
Turmeric is derived from the rhizome curcuma longa, and
is a primary ingredient found in curry powders that are used
to season foods in the Middle East and Asian countries, namely,
India. Accumulating evidence reveals that this brightly coloured
relative of Ginger is also a powerful disease-preventive and
cancer fighting agent as well.
One of the most comprehensive summaries of turmeric
studies to date has been published in the Journal of The
Alternative & Complementary Therapies, by respected
Ethnobotanist Dr. James. A. Duke. In reviewing some 700
Chapter 3

H.S. Kulkarni 139
studies, he concluded that Turmeric appears to outperform many
drugs in its effects against several chronic and debilitating diseases, with
virtually no adverse side effects. Studies show that maintenance dose
for Curcumin is 400-600 mg. daily, and as such Turmeric Powder can
be mixed with the Decoction during the boiling stage, which will act
as carrier for turmeric into human system.
Ginger, a spice of super anti-cancer substance, is known for its
ability to shrink tumours. Surprisingly, it is even more effective than
many cancer drugs, which are known to be completely ineffective and
actually accelerate the end of cancer patients. Commonly consumed
across the world in small doses in food and beverage products, the
medicinal properties of ginger surpass even advanced drugs.
A specific protocol has been of mixing 1⁄4 tsp Ginger Powder, and
1⁄2 tsp Turmeric with the decoction, which taken every day in the
morning on empty stomach acts as an effective cancer anti dote.
Cumin is helpful in treating various types of Cancers, and it is
known to be effective in Colon as well as Breast Cancers. The Cumin
Seeds contain thymoquinone, dithymoquinone, thymohydroquinone
and thymol, which are anti-carcinogenic agents.
Metabolism is effectively controlled by consuming cumin seeds
regularly. Good metabolism helps in keeping body process in check.
Iron content in cumin helps to maintain metabolic activity.
Garcinia Indica is the botanical name of Kokum, which is an ornate
fruit of India. Kokum fruit trees are native to the Western Ghats region,
and they are widely used as spice in food preparations, and as source
of medicine in pharmaceuticals. The dried rind of Kokum fruit is used
as a medicinal and culinary agent. The different parts of Kokum Tree
such as the bark, rind, pulp, juice, root and seeds have numerous health
benefits and are utilized in many ayurvedic preparations. Kokum is

140 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
a purple berry which has been long used in Ayurveda to prevent
infections, treat sores, cure ear infections, heal stomach ulcers, improve
digestion, lessen arthritis pain and alleviate diarrhoea and constipation.
Garcenol is a major active ingredient of Kokum, and it has antioxidant,
anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It
does not contain cholesterol or saturated fats. Garcenol inhibits growth
of intestinal cancer cells without affecting the normal cells. It also aids
in preventing Skin, Liver, Colon, Breast and Tongue Cancer.
Spirulina is presently available in the form of capsules, and has to be
taken along with the PROTOCOL Options.
Spirulina is a naturally occurring Blue-Green algae that grows in
high alkaline warm water lakes. Its blue-green colour is the result of
Phycocyanin, a protein that has been shown to inhibit the growth and
proliferation of cancer cells. Spirulina, like most plants and algae, also
contains high level of chlorophyll. Recent studies have shown that
chlorophyll binds with cancer cells, allowing them to be easily excreted
from the body. Thereby, it eliminates cancerous cells before they can
group into colonies and develop into tumours or spread to other parts
of the body. Spirulina is also a rich source of Vitamin B 12 and Beta
Carotene, as well as other minerals and fatty acids which aid in the
fight against cancer.
Vitamins and Minerals in Spirulina help to boost the immune
system, allowing it to effectively deal with cancer cells, as they appear
in the body, thus reducing their chances of multiplying and developing.
Spirulina is available at Pharmacy and Ayurveda Products Shops
as also with Organic Stores. These apart, VRL (Transport & Logistics)
Outlets in Karnataka provide Spirulina at subsidized rates.
GOMUTRA (Cow Urine)
Cow Urine (GOMUTRA) is a natural antiseptic, and in Ayurveda
it is known as “Sanjivini”. It has several medicinal properties, and

H.S. Kulkarni 141
is known to be effective in treating a large number of diseases and
infections, especially those of kidneys and liver. Gomutra cleanses the
system of toxins, and acts as an antidote protecting the body from
various toxins.
Medicinal Properties & Laboratory Analysis of Gomutra
Laboratory analyses of cow urine have shown that it contains
nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron,
silicon, chlorine, magnesium, lactose, melci, citric, titric, succenic,
calcium salts, Vitamins A, B, C, D and E, minerals, lactose, enzymes,
creatinine, hormones, and gold acids --- all of which are needed in
smaller quantities for the human body to balance the Tridosha Vata,
Pitta and Kapha. Our body contains many micronutrients that give
us strength for life. Whenever we urinate, these micronutrients are
flushed out of our bodies. Cow urine meets the deficiency of these
micronutrients in the body. It maintains balance of these substances
in our body, and addresses effectively the diseases, which are typically
Gomutra is readily available in the market in the form of Arka Liquid,
Capsules and Tablets
Cow Urine Capsules are made by, and available at :
Pitambari Products Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Floor, Hemendra CH Society,
Gokhale Road, Thane : 400 602 ; Tel : (022) 6703 5555
Also available as Tablets “Go Mutra Ghanavati” from
Gomata Products, Iscon Bhaktivedanta Swami Goshala Raman
Reti, Vrindavan, Dist. Mathura (Uttar Pradesh)
E Mail: ; Website:
Benefits from Jain’s Cow Urine Therapy
1. Helps in Stopping Growth of Cancer Cells ; 2. Helps in Killing
Cancer Cells ; 3. Prevents Spread of Cancer Cells in Other Parts of the
Body ; 4. Improves Immunity of the Body

142 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
Jain’s cow urine therapy’s medicines can be obtained from :
Swarnim Naturscience Limited
Jain’s Cow Urine Therapy Health Clinic, 165, RNT Marg, Opp :
Chetak Centre, INDORE 452 001 (MP)
Phone : 91 - 731 306 9100 E mail :
Apricot Seed was claimed as the answer to all cancers 40 years ago.
It was even strongly claimed that by eating apricot seeds every day, one
can never develop cancer, just as one can never get scurvy if one takes
an orange a day.
Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr. is a bio Chemist and researcher who first
isolated Laetrile (Vitamin B17) in Apricot seeds, and also discovered
Vitamin B-17 (Pangamic acid, a vitamin which has proven to be an
important adjunct therapy in the treatment of ailments related to
After years of study, research and testing, he was convinced of the
therapeutic value of Laetrile. To prove that it was not toxic to humans
he injected it into his own arm. As he anticipated, there was no harmful
or distressing side effects. Laetrile had no harmful effect on normal
cells, but was deadly on cancer cells.
Apricot seeds are known to contain virtual Cyanide. Although
Laetrile or B- 17 is less toxic than sugar, and 21 times less toxic than
aspirin, one can take only limited dosage, lest it becomes harmful or
risky to life. So, to question the use of Vitamin B-17 on the grounds
of toxicity is academic and uncalled for, as all the drugs used in
conventional medicine for cancer treatment are extremely toxic.
Cancer loves sugar. The sugar in the Apricot seeds surrounds
cyanide. Cancer draws sugar, consumes it, and releases the cyanide at

H.S. Kulkarni 143
the cancer cell- and only at the cancer cell : something akin to a smart
bomb. The problem with this is that some people take too much.
One needs to monitor the dosage of apricots carefully, or the care
giver should closely observe when the patient is on apricot treatment.
If the apricots are taken in excess, then it may cause loose motion,
diarrhoea and dehydration. The moment symptoms of loose motion
appear, then slightly reduce the dosage and maintain at this level for a
few days ; then gradually increase it so that the cancer patient becomes
used to the dosage. One has to allow the body to get acclimatised to
There is no “free” hydrogen cyanide in Laetrile. When Laetrile
comes in contact with the enzyme betaglycosidase, it is broken down
into two molecules of glucose : one molecule of benzaldihyde, and one
molecule of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Within the body, the cancer
cell - and only the cancer cell – contains the enzyme betaglycosidase
essential to trigger the molecular break down.
Key to this process is formation of HCN, as it is not floating around
freely in the Laetrile and then released. Thus, HCN has to be formed,
which can happen only by the reaction between Laetrile and Enzyme
Betaglycosidase. It must be noted that Beta Glycosidase enzyme is
present only around cancer cells, and not with normal healthy cells. For
formation of HCN, the Laetrile must come in contact with the cover
layer of cancer cell. And once this happens, the Beta glycosidase cover
bursts, and exposes the cell surface which gets destroyed when HCN
comes in contact. Thus, the death of cancer cell takes place. This is
the target killing function of Laetrile or Bitter Apricot Kernels. When
there is no scope or possibility of the Laetrile coming into contact with
the Enzyme Betaglycosidase, and no HCN can be formed, the Apricot
is digested by the user, and the vitamin present in the Kernels helps in
improving the person’s general health. Thus, Apricot simply functions
as dry fruit in such cases of consumption by normal persons, without
having any adverse effect.

144 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
To start with, it is recommended that the cancer patient eat one
Apricot for every 10 lb of body weight per day. This requirement of
consuming Apricot has to be distributed throughout the day, say three
times : before Breakfast ; before Lunch ; and before Dinner.
Bitter Apricot Kernels can be obtained from the following sources :
Alavi Herbs, 22-2-202/1, Dabeerpura, Hyderabad, AP 500 024
Ph: 09959726547 ; E mail:
Aarohi Apricots, Village Satoli, P.o : Peora Via Mukteshwar
Dist: Nainital, Uttara Khand 263 138 ; Phone : 09412991916

H.S. Kulkarni 145
Transforming Health and Life of Cancer
Affected Persons with Healing Foods &
Immunity Boosters
While the Hopestar MANTRA enables and empowers you
to alleviate, manage and overcome the impact of cancer, let us
now look at foods that can transform the Health and Life of
Cancer Affected Persons so that they remain healthy and feel
good for long.
It is a scientific proven fact that our food choices affect and
determine our health. The proverbial old saying ‘We are what
we eat’ is true, and it is ultimately that matters. Every cell in our
body is created from the food we eat, the water we drink, and
the air we breathe. In addition to nourishing our body, healing
foods such as millet foods specific contribute to the quality of
our lives, our appearance, moods, energy, weight and our overall
health and well-being.
Millets have Medicinal Value & Therapeutic Benefits
Among the healing foods, millets are one of the oldest foods
known to humans, and possibly the first cereal grain to be used
Chapter 4

146 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
for domestic consumption. They are drought resistant crops grown in dry
land, and are known to be cultivated thousand of years ago in Asia. While
grains are classified as Positive, Neutral and Negative, the Millet range
of grains constitute as Positive and Neutral grains. Among the Positive
Millet Grains, which have dietary fibre from 8 % to 12.5 %, are Foxtail
(Navane) ; Barnyard (Oodalu) ; Arka (Kodo) ; Little (Samai) ; and Brown
Top (Korale). Whereas Millets / Grains, viz., Pearl (Sajje) ; Finger (Ragi) ;
Proso (Baragu) ; Great Millet (White Jowar) ; and Corn / Maize (Mekke
Jowar) are called neutral grains, having lesser fibre and other nutrients.
Table below provides the nutrient contents of various millets and
grains :


Positive Grains

mg Bz
Fibre Carbohydrate

0.7 0.11 0.59 32 6.3 8.0 60.6 0.03 0.29 12.3 3.3
01.5 0.08 0.31 0 2.9 9.8 65.5 0.02 0.28 12.3 4.4
2.0 0.09 0.33 0 2.8 9.8 65.5 0.02 0.28 7.7 1.5
Brown top
18.5 0.027 3.20 0 0.65 12.5 69.37 0.01 0.33 11.5 4.21

Neutral Grains

2.3 0.25 0.33 132 8.0 1.2 67.1 0.05 0.35 11.6 2.3
1.1 0.19 0.42 42 5.4 3.6 72.7 0.33 0.27 7.1 2.7
2.3 0.18 0.20 0 5.9 2.2 68.9 0.01 0.33 12.5 1.9

Great Mil-
let Jowar

1.8 0.13 0.37 47 4.1 1.3 72.4 0.03 0.28 10.4 1.6
1.4 0.10 0.42 90 2.1 2.7 66.2 0.01 0.33 11.11 -

Nagative Grains

5.0 0.17 0.35 64 5.3 1.2 76.2 0.05 0.32 11.8 1.5
1.2 0.06 0.06 0 1.0 0.2 79.0 0.01 0.11 6.9 0.6

H.S. Kulkarni 147
Unlike grains such as rice, wheat and jowar, the millet grains are
nutritionally superior to many cereals, and have medicinal value because
of high fibre content and higher amount of protein, including all
essential amino acids. Besides, millets have less carbohydrates compared
to rice and wheat. Due to its inherent low glycemic value, millets are
ideal for combating cancer and other lifestyle diseases.
Traditionally, most millets are used in the form of rice and rice
dishes,. The millet grains can be used in the preparation of roti, pulao,
dosa, idli, upma, and a variety of Indian vegetarian dishes.
Most of the ailments and diseases plaguing our society today can
be addressed and drastically reduced with specific nutrition available
in millet foods, which are the healing foods. Millet range of grains
are so important because of its uniquely high content of nutrients,
including impressive starch levels, very high B Vitamin content, as well
as iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, not to mention of its
being a healthy source of essential fats in the body. Furthermore, there
are significant levels of protein and dietary fibre in these millets.
Dr. D. Khadar, Scientist and Food Researcher, Mysore is an
authority on Millet Foods, that are considered as Miracle Grains, and
he describes them as ‘Siridhanya’ Millets. As a Crusader of Millet Foods,
he is currently spearheading a campaign for revival and propagation
of Millets Foods that can, and is able to, transform the health of our
people, society and country.
Beetroot, Carrot & Apple Juices form a powerful, effective and
therapeutic Drink Specific against Cancer
Several cancer types can be prevented and contained by using
natural resources, especially taking or drinking juices of particular fruits
and vegetables. Beet root contains carotenoids and is a good source of
folic acid, aside from its anti-cancer properties. This root-vegetable has
an abundance of anti-oxidants, which protect our organs from free

148 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
radicals ; insulate from premature aging ; and help fight several and
different diseases. If you combine beetroot with carrot and apple to
make a health drink, you may rest assured that your body will be able

to remove free radicals since the entire contents are loaded with anti-
oxidants and anti-cancer properties.

Preparation Method:
Place the beetroot in a blender or mixer and grind it. Pour the beet
root juice extract in a glass cup or tumbler, and let it be kept in the
fridge for an hour. Thereafter, add the carrot and apple juices in the
beet root juice. This powerful juice drink is ideal for strengthening the
immune system, and for preventing and fighting cancer and kidney
diseases. Drink it once a day, before breakfast for best results.
Garlic is a vegetable (Allium Sativum) that belongs to the allium class
of Bulb shaped plants, which also includes onions, chives, leeks and
scallions. Garlic is used for flavouring in cooking, and is unique because
of its high sulphur content. In addition to sulphur, garlic also contains
arginine, oligosaccharides, flavonoids and selenium, all of which may
be beneficial to health.
The characteristic odour and flavour of garlic comes from the
sulphur compounds of allicin, a major precursor of garlic’s bioactive
compounds, which are formed when garlic bulbs are chopped, crushed,
or damaged. Bioactive compounds are defined as substances in foods
or dietary supplements, other than those needed to meet the basic
nutritional needs that are responsible for changes in health status.
Studies reported reduction in the risk of developing Cancer of
different types with Garlic use
1. Studies observed that garlic consumption may reduce the risk

of developing several types of cancer, especially cancers of the gastro-
intestinal tract. Most of the studies evaluated different types of garlic

preparations, and used them in varying amounts.

H.S. Kulkarni 149
2. If garlic consumption does reduce the risk of developing cancer,
the amount needed to lower risk remains unknown.
3. Although usual garlic consumption rarely causes problems, higher
intakes can cause side effects, including gastrointestinal distress.
Findings from various Studies indicate that Garlic Use and
Consumption reduces the Risk of Different Cancers
An analysis of data from several studies showed that the higher the
amount of raw and cooked garlic consumed, the lower the risk of
stomach and colorectal cancers.
Findings from one study showed strong association between garlic
consumption and colon cancer risk. Women who consumed highest
amount of garlic had a 50 % lower risk of cancer of the distal colon
compared with women who had the lowest level of garlic consumption.
Likewise, it was observed that increased garlic consumption may reduce
pancreatic cancer risk, and was 54 % lower in people who ate larger
amounts of garlic compared to those who ate lower amounts.
Further, a study in France found that increased garlic consumption
was associated with a statistically significant reduction in breast cancer
risk. Clinical trials in China also indicate that garlic consumption
reduces the risk of incidence of many types of Cancer.
The World Health Organization’s guidelines for general health
promotion for adults among others is a daily dose of 2.5 g of fresh
garlic ; 0.40 to 1.020 g of dried garlic powder ; 2 to 5 mg of garlic oil ;
300 to 1000 mg of garlic extract or other formulations that are equally
PASSION FRUIT (Krishna Phal)
Passion Fruit, also known by its Indian name Krishna Phal originally
comes from Passiflora Edulis, a vine species of passion flower native
to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Now, it is cultivated commercially
in many countries with tropical and subtropical climate. Many house
gardens in Dharwad and Hubli grow this fruit also. Highly aromatic,

150 The MANTRA for Winning Cancer Battle
the fruit has a great sweet and tangy flavour, with pulp and lot of seeds.
When mature, their exterior comes out in yellow or purple color.
Krishna Phal is a highly nutritious fruit, and contains good lot
of vitamins and minerals. Following nutritional chart of the fruit
enumerates the quantity and proportions of nutrients per 100 grams
of serving :

Energy 97 Kcal
Carbohydrates 23.38 gms
Dietary Fibre 10.40 gms
Fats 0.70 gms
Protein 2.20 gms
Vitamin A 1274 iu
Beta Carotene 743 ug
Vitamin B 2 0.13 mg
Vitamin B 3 1.5 mg
Folate 14 ug
Vitamin B 6 0.10 mg
Vitamin C 30 mg
Calcium 12 mg
Magnesium 29 mg
Iron 1.60 mg
Phosphorus 68 mg
Zinc 0.10 mg
Potassium 348 mg
Copper 0.086 mg
Health Benefits by Consuming Passion Fruit
Preventing Cancer or Protecting against the disease
The onset of cancer is due to free radicals in the body. Passion fruit
contains high amount of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, both of which are

H.S. Kulkarni 151
strong anti- oxidants. They neutralize these free radicals, and protect
them against Cancer. The flavonoids enhances the overall effectiveness
of the Passion Fruit in terms of providing anti-oxidants to the body,
and protecting it against cancer.
Functioning as Immunity Booster
Vitamin A, Vitamin C and phytonutrients like Xanthin and Beta
Carotene are highly effective in optimizing the immune function of
human body. With the result, there is higher resistance against common
diseases like cold and cough ; and since it is a water soluble vitamin, its
loss from body is at a higher rate. The loss can be replenished by fruits
like passion fruits, which are rich in Vitamin C.
How to eat / drink Passion Fruit Extract
Take 2 or 3 ripe passion fruits. Cut them lengthwise in half. Scoop
out the contents and throw out the hard cover. While taking out the
pulp, scoop out along with the seeds. Eat the pulp along with the seeds.
Do not bite the seeds. They should be consumed without biting.
One can also make a nutritious drink from the contents thus
scooped out by mixing with clean water. And take it as a cold drink
two or three fruits per day can be the normal dose.

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